Second Chances for Net Neutrality?

Lola Lariscy
2 min readFeb 25, 2020

Before Net Neutrality became a question mark, the internet was an open field. Depending on the end user’s speed, he or she could reach each website equally. AT&T’s homepage would come up just as quickly as Homestar Runner’s. This was Net Neutrality.

Until 2014, there weren’t rules governing Net Neutrality. It just was — like oxygen or spilling wine on carpet.

Obama stepped in and Made it So. He asked the FCC to classify the internet as a telecommunications vehicle. Therefore, the commercial entities wouldn’t be able to divvy it up.

The big internet providers and websites didn’t like this. They’d rather control how fast you got their content. So someone talked to someone and the FCC unclassified the internet as a telecommunications service. It no longer served its municipal purpose, so it didn’t need to conform to civic standards.

Some people would say this is a good thing. It opens the internet up to competition. My view is, though, that there’s little room for competition. Most people only have the choice of one cable company or a few satellite services. That’s not healthy competition.

If you add an extra layer by allowing the internet companies to dictate what content you get and how fast, that further limits options.

Now the FCC is asking the public for comment on the matter. This might have gone unnoticed, but a cool lady at the FCC (Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel) amplified the request. The statement is downloadable on the page. She said what I only whispered under my breath while reading Tech Crunch and other sites.

She stated “…The agency wrongfully gave broadband providers the power to block websites, throttle services, and censor online content. The fight for an open internet is not over. It’s time to make noise.”

ISPs shouldn’t decide which websites I go to, or how fast I get there. Only my poor finances get to dictate how low speed my internet is.

What do you think? Tell the FCC!



Lola Lariscy

Info on 1st #novel is at . Deciding what #beer to drink next. I have a podcast!